Digico MQ Rack

The new age of DiGiCo racks

The MQ-Rack provides all of the power of our larger racks, but in a more compact unit.

The compact 6U rack sports 48 mic inputs and up to 24 line outputs. Clever audio design allows the last 4 outputs to be switched between line outputs and stereo AES/EBU outputs, adding up to a maximum of 8 AES/EBU output channels.

Dual MADI ports, available on BNC connections, either allow rack sharing at 48kHz between any two SD Range or Quantum consoles or provide digital splits for recording. When combined, these ports create a single high definition 96kHz MADI connection with absolutely no reduction in I/O.

To ensure ultimate reliability the MQ-Rack is equipped with dual redundant power supplies as standard.